Energy – Prevail Energy Healthy Energy Drink

You guys will not believe what kind of energy product solution will make you feel amazing? You’ll also feel full of energy without feeling like your going to crash! Welcome to the Prevail Energy solution!

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 There is so many energy products on the market packed with unhealthy sugar and saturated artificial ingredients. With Prevail Energy, it’s like having a breath of fresh air, or should I say breathe of healthy fresh ingredients! 

We realize we have the BEST SOLUTION for this ENERGY NEED we as a whole have. Since we likewise know what the top forerunners in Energy Drinks offer us. What’s more, what they don’t.


Do you want to know what happens 24 hours after drinking an Energy drink? { This doesn’t happen with Prevail Energy!} Let’s take a look here and educate you on what you need to know what’s happening:  

You can find out here what Dr. Farrimond says about Red Bull Energy Drinks.

In the initial ten minutes, your circulatory strain and pulse begin to rise. Between the following 15 to 45 minutes the energizer begins to further develop your fixation levels and keeps you alert.

There are several people I know that drink Red Bulls on a daily basis. The thing is that I wonder is if everyone knows what is in Red Bull. Did you know the pH in Red Bull is equivalent to vinegar? When you add the sugar to that your teeth will not be happy about it. You will be visiting the dentist’s office more often.

It has been said that drinking black coffee in small amounts has been linked to longer lifelines. The thing is though, it can be almost a guarantee that with energy drinks that”s not the case.

And keeping in mind that caffeine causes us to feel more ready and conscious, it doesn’t make us more intelligent. Truth be told, some exploration shows that caffeine really disables our capacity to think innovatively.

Yes, Caffeine makes you feel more awake and alert.  It doesn’t make you and me smarter.  Some researchers will tell you that caffeine impairs our ability to use our imagination and creativity.

It has been proven that tea and coffee is a better way to go to get caffeine. The thing is though just like everything else, you must keep in in certain amounts.

When you drink one of those energy drinks, within the first 10 minutes you will feel the effects. Some of them you are not wanting to experience. For instance, your blood pressure and your heart rate will start increasing.

Between 15-45 depending on how fast you drink it, the caffeine will be at its peak. You’ll feel alert and you’ll focus will improve. This is all because there is caffeine is actually an energy drug. This is exactly why it is recommended to drink something with caffeine; when you are driving and need to stay alert.

According to Dr. Farrimond, after you finish your caffeinated drink, the caffeine starts roaming. It goes from your intestines into your blood. From there it goes to your brain and then spreads out throughout your body.

Something that we need to realize is that; caffeine is a stimulant drug that blocks tiredness signals from getting to our brains. We all have a chemical in our brain that plays a major role in how tired we feel. That chemical is called adenosine. The way adenosine works is that it builds up throughout the entire day. That is also why we get tired in the evening.

Something you may not know about caffeine is that it is a tricky drug that blocks adenosine pathways temporarily. You get your energy boost while also letting your happy molecules; that is in your brain to be let go more often. The alertness and the confidence that you have about yourself will make you feel better.

Did you know what happens 30-50 minutes after you finished your drink? Once you have finished your drink and your body has fully absorbed all that caffeine. Your liver is gonna react and start sucking in just about every ounce of sugar that was in your drink. That’s some crazy stuff, ain’t it?

You are gonna start feeling what they call a sugar crash around an hour after your body and liver have completely absorbed every bit of the caffeine. Some people are different and it takes longer, but when it happens, it’s not fun. I’ve had one too many sugar crashes. Doctors say that it usually takes 45 minutes, but that timing could very well change if you are drinking alcohol with it.

Your liver breaks down Caffeine and Caffeine itself does indeed raise your blood sugar levels. It’s not as direct as the infographic proposes, be that as it may.

Caffeine can exacerbate low blood in diabetics, for instance. Strangely, caffeine is by all accounts useful for the liver, and espresso utilization has been connected to bring down paces of liver sickness and liver disease. The equivalent hasn’t been displayed for caffeinated drinks, nonetheless.’

It takes about an hour when you will start getting ready for that “sugar crash”. This is usually the mixed effects of your sugar levels being high and then dropping. Plus, you have the effects of the caffeine dying out.

Some of the things that Dr. Farrimond has said.

According to the Dr., he says that scientists don’t believe that sugar crashes actually exist. Now come on, we know our own bodies and we know what our sugar levels are doing. Scientists are some very smart people, but sometimes you can be too smart. We don’t have to be the sharpest tools in the shed to know what our bodies are doing.

Now they have studied and have proven that it takes a total of 12 hours for the caffeine to get completely our of your body. Around five to six hours is about the half-way mark for it to be getting out of your system. Now, for the women that take a contraceptive, your time is doubled automatically. Something else that you need to know that women that are pregnant, it takes longer for the caffeine to leave their system as well.

For the children and teens that drink caffeine, they take even longer than adults. Caffeine drinks can cause some of the problems that children have behavioral and anxiety issues. This is one of the reasons why a lot of push different Kool-Aids. Even though too much sugar is still not very good for them.

According to the Dr., he claims that withdrawal from caffeine aren’t as bad as some of us claim. They have done studies that have showed that people have withdrawal symptoms when their coffee was switched to decaf without them knowing.

They claim that most of it is all in our head. Sometimes I might agree with that, but sometimes I think that is plum crazy. Usually around 12 -24 hours you’ll start feeling some of the withdrawal symptoms. If you don’t know any of the symptoms they include; headaches (which those really suck!!), irritability and constipation. It takes anywhere from seven to twelve days before your body builds a tolerance. After that your body will get use to it all.

All of the studies have shown that it takes 7-12 days that it takes for your body to build a tolerance to caffeine. They have had studies that have shown that people who have taken some kind of caffeine pill and ones that have had a placebo. They showed that everyone had the same moods, alertness, and the energy after 18 days. People who have had so much caffeine, they grew use to that much caffeine everyday.

The doctor says that we can become so used to caffeine over a period of time and it won’t effect us like it does like others. Once you start drinking a lot of caffeine, it takes so much more to get the energy like others get.

We all know that as long as we have things in a certain moderation, it will be healthy for us. Depending on what you are drinking, will depend on how much you should drink. In different drinks the sugar levels can be a lot more in different drinks.

When we found Prevail Energy, We knew we found the perfect answer for so many!!

Prevail Energy is such an amazing product that is made from pure natural ingredients. They have the perfect amount of each ingredient because the taste is amazing and very effective. All you have to do is add it to water, shake it up, and turn it up and enjoy it. This is a very healthy way of having a great tasting drink that gives you energy for longer amounts of time.

There are so many of us that need that extra boost of energy, but want something that is healthy. Whether your an athlete, driver, or you just get those afternoons crashes that you totally start dragging butt. This something that works for anyone and works quickly. If you are working on some sort of weight loss program or you are just managing your weight this is something that will work great with you too!! (PSSSS, Have y’all heard of this crazy thing called Magic Coffee yet? Find out about it here.)

Some of the best things about this amazing product is that it works very quickly. I’m talking like within a minute or two after taking a drink, you will start feeling. You will start getting that extra energy that you have been looking for and it also last for hours.


I know there are so many that are not gonna stop drinking there name brand energy drinks, but I hope you have done the research on them. They are known to have affects to different heart risks. Make sure you know exactly what you are putting into your system!

Here is something that is totally healthy and has an amazing taste. Why would you want to drink something that is exactly not good for ya? Hey, I know exactly what it’s like with changing your energy drink. I’ve been there and done that. I was all the time drinking energy drinks on a daily basis. When I found Prevail Energy, I made the switch. I get the affects that I am wanting plus it’s healthy for me too. It’s a no brainer for me!

Hey guys, do yall want to know how you can share the rewards just by sharing these amazing products? All of these products can change how healthy we do things. You can go here, join, and start helping others with finding new ways to get some extra energy. GET STARTED TODAY!!!